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Message to Vietnamese Culture & Science Association

Vietnamese Culture & Science Association - Vietnamese  in Houston TX

Vietnamese Culture & Science Association

(281) 933-8118
(281) 933-8118

About Vietnamese Culture & Science Association

The Vietnamese Culture and Science Association (VCSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Vietnamese American and Canadian organization founded in 1990. It has over 650 members comprised of mainly young Vietnamese American and Canadian professionals, high school and college students in the US and Canada. Based in Houston, VCSA has several other chapters located in Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, Minneapolis/St. Paul, San Diego, Washington DC, Toronto, and Vancouver.

Vietnamese Culture & Science Association promotes excellence in education, leadership and skills development through culture and science. Our organization encourages multi-generational and cross-cultural collaborations. We foster civic participation in the mainstream and Vietnamese America and Canada through core event programs that celebrate Vietnamese culture as well as educational initiatives to emphasize civic engagement and a better understanding of the Vietnamese culture.


Primary Office Location

pin 2500 Wilcrest, Suite 300 Houston TX 77042

pin (281) 933-8118


Social Media

Facebook page for Vietnamese Culture & Science Association - Vietnamese  in Houston Instagram page for Vietnamese Culture & Science Association - Vietnamese  in Houston Twitter page for Vietnamese Culture & Science Association - Vietnamese  in Houston Instagram page for Vietnamese Culture & Science Association - Vietnamese  in Houston
Message Vietnamese Culture & Science Association
(281) 933-8118