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Message to Vietnamese American Medical Association

Vietnamese American Medical Association - Vietnamese  in Arlington TX

Vietnamese American Medical Association

(682) 667-1016
(682) 667-1016

About Vietnamese American Medical Association

The Vietnamese American Medical Association (VAMA) was established in1987 as a non-profit organization for physicians of Vietnamese heritage who live and practice in the United States. From 1987 to present, the VAMA has grown and matured rapidly. The VAMA serves as a centralized forum for Vietnamese health care professionals, including physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and other allied health professionals, who live and practice in the United States. The VAMA establishes a venue for members to participate in continuing education programs related to public and private health care issues, diagnoses and treatments of diseases, and community outreach programs.


Primary Office Location

pin 4108 Surfside Ct Arlington TX 76016

pin (682) 667-1016


Social Media

Facebook page for Vietnamese American Medical Association - Vietnamese  in Arlington
Message Vietnamese American Medical Association
(682) 667-1016