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Message to Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of Georgia

Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of Georgia - Vietnamese  in Lawrenceville GA

Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of Georgia

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About Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of Georgia

VAHPAG was born out of the overwhelming need for a coordinated effort of Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals in Georgia to address the healthcare needs of the community. The association is also a place for members to exchange ideas, learn from one another, and work together to mentor the next generation of Vietnamese American healthcare professionals.

The mission of the Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of GA is to preserve, promote, and improve the health and well being of Vietnamese Americans, individuals and communities. In order to fulfill this mission, we foster collaborations among the community and the healthcare professionals in education, research, and service.


Primary Office Location

pin 1670 McKendree Church Rd., #800 Lawrenceville GA 30043


Social Media

Facebook page for Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of Georgia - Vietnamese  in Lawrenceville
Message Vietnamese American Healthcare Professionals Association of Georgia