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Message to Vietnamese American Community of West Michigan

Vietnamese American Community of West Michigan - Vietnamese  in Grand Rapids MI

Vietnamese American Community of West Michigan

(616) 990-0374
(616) 990-0374


About Vietnamese American Community of West Michigan

Vietnamese American Community of Grand Rapids Michigan (VACGRM) is a non-profit community organization established to serve our Vietnamese Americans in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan and its surrounding areas.

Our Goals and Objectives
1. Promoting, preserving, and defending the civil rights of Vietnamese-Americans and the unity of our community.
2. Promoting the democratic and freedom values as well as working side by side with all other organizations to preserve our Vietnamese cultural and heritage.
3. Develop a more effective fund raising strategy based on:
- Individual contribution via community funding raising events.
- Business sponsorships.
- Charity organizations and government agencies grants.
4. Developing a better working relationship with the local, state, and federal agencies to better serve our community.
5. Forming a stronger and more open relationship within our community where everyone’s input is welcome at all the community meetings and such meeting will be pre-announced on the community website except those of administrative meeting.
6. Recruiting and training future community leaders by working closely with the local colleges and universities to identify qualified leadership candidates and train them so that they can be ready to server our community.
7. Building a community website and using it as the central-communication-hub as well as utilizing other social networking technologies to share and connect with our community more effectively and efficiently.
8. Financial transparency is a must where every penny of expenses and income will be reported on our community website.
9. Establishing 5 to 10 college scholarships value from $500 to $1,000 for our kids who demonstrated academic excellence and a proven record of community service.
10. Supporting our community’s small businesses by connecting them with available resources as well as facilitating the understanding of rules and law of small business.
11. Assisting our elderly by working closely with the local agencies and the Vietnamese Senior Organization.
12. Promoting and organizing a Vietnamese-American Day Festival at our down town Grand Rapids


Primary Office Location

pin Little Saigon Plaza, Suite # 4, 141 28th Street SE Grand Rapids MI 49548

pin (616) 990-0374

Social Media

Facebook page for Vietnamese American Community of West Michigan - Vietnamese  in Grand Rapids
Message Vietnamese American Community of West Michigan
(616) 990-0374