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Message to Consular Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Consular Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - Vietnamese  in Washington DC

Consular Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Government of Vietnam
(202) 716-8666
(202) 716-8666

About Consular Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Services provided by the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are:

- How to apply for a visa

- Apply for a passport

- Visa Exemption

- Legalization

- Legalization of Document for Marriage

- Birth registration

- Instructions For Registration to Retain Vietnamese Citizenship

- Certificate of Vietnamese origin

- Citizen registration

- Renouncement of Vietnamese citizenship

- Permit to transport remains and dead bodies to Vietnam

- Power of Attorney


Primary Office Location

pin 1233 20th St NW, Ste 400 Washington DC 20036

pin (202) 716-8666

Message Consular Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
(202) 716-8666